Dagdagiron – Whose colors are reddish and gleaming. Their form like vast and devouring
flat-shaped fishes.

Dagon – (1) Grand Pantler of the Royal Household. (2) Was the great god of the Philistines, who places the Arc of Jehovah in Dagon’s temple when they had captured it from the Israelites. The force of the ark destroyed Dagon and hewed his statue into pieces.

Dagular – A servitor of Astaroth and Asmodeus.

Dahaka – An ancient Persian god of death and demon of deceit and mendacity. He loves destroying life. Dahaka is usually depicted with three heads, while scorpions and lizards crawl all over his body.

Daivers – Also called Daivergoel, these are Hindu genii, which inhabit their own world. They are, it seems, related to the Persian divs, from which it is suggested that the word ‘devil’ is derived. They possess material bodies as well as spiritual bodies, and have many human attributes, both good and evil.

Dalep – A servitor of Amaymon. Decaying in liquid; putrefaction.

Dalhan – A demon riding an ostrich in the desert. It devours travellers.

Dantalian – (1) Changes men’s minds from good to evil. (2) A mighty duke, appears in the form of a man with many faces of men and women, and has a book in his right hand. He teaches all arts and sciences, declares all secret counsels, for all human thoughts, and can change them at his will. He kindles love and shows the similitude of any person in a vision, wheresoever they may be.

Dantallion – Duke. 36 Legions of Spirits. Knows the thoughts of men and can change them at will. Can cause love.

Darascon – A servitor of Oriens, Paimon, Ariton and Amaymon. Turbulent.

Darek – A servitor of Astaroth. Path or way.

Darokin – A servitor of Astaroth and Asmodeus. Paths or ways.

Debam – A servitor of Magoth and Kore. Strength.

Decarabia – (1) Marquis. 30 Legions of Spirits. (2) A marquis, comes in the form of a star in a pentacle, but puts on the image of man at command. He discovers the virtues of herbs and precious stones, makes birds seem to fly before the exorcist, and remain with him as familiars, singing and eating like other birds.

Deccal – A servitor of Oriens, Paimon, Ariton and Amaymon. To fear.

Deumas – Devil worshipped by the inhabitants of Calicut in Malabar. He has a crown, four horns on his head and four crooked teeth in his enormous mouth. He has a sharp, crooked nose, feet like a rooster and hold in his claws a soul he is about to devour.

Dev – In Persian mythology, a demon of enormous power, a ruthless and immoral god of war.

Diakka – A term used to signify wicked, ignorant or undeveloped spirits. It is believed that at death no sudden or violent change takes place in the character and disposition of an individual. Those who are mischievous, unprincipled, sensual, during their lives remain so, for a time at least, after they die.

Dimirag – A servitor of Beelzebub. Impulsion, driving forward.

Dimurgos – A servitor of Astaroth and Asmodeus. Artisan or workman.

Diopos – A servitor of Asmodeus and Magoth. An overseer.

Dioron – A servitor of Astaroth and Asmodeus. Delay.

Diralison – A servitor of Beelzebub. The ridge of a rock.

Disolel – A servitor of Asmodeus and Magoth.

Dison – A servitor of Paimon. Divided.

Divs – The div of ancient Persia, pronounced deo, deu, or dive, is supposed to be the same as the European devil of the middle ages.

Dorak – A servitor of Beelzebub. Proceeding, walking forward.

Dramas – A servitor of Astaroth and Asmodeus. Action.

Dresop – A servitor of Amaymon. The who attack their prey by tremulous motion.

Druj – An ancient Iranian female demon, the representation of the lie. Together with horny men, she causes much evil. She is the eternal opponent of Asha Vahishta. Also Drug or Drauga.

Duglas – A servitor of Magoth and Kore.

Dulid – A servitor of Magoth and Kore.